Flying Mystics

Butter Lamp Candles Choose from the Hours

$9.00 - $14.00
( 1 Review )

Offering Butter Lamps is the best most powerful offering because the light symbolizes wisdom. It also creates harmony and generates merit while promoting success, prosperity, longevity and world peace. When offered on behalf of the deceased prayers are also recited to liberate them and have a good rebirth. If one imagines pure light radiating out of the 10 directions as well as offering your own consciousness and/ or energy your mind becomes clearer, free from darkness, like a light in darkness. When this is done on an alter or in front of a Buddha our benefits increase immeasurably. All of ones obstacles to good health and intelligence will be removed as well as receiving clarity of mind. Two candles per box.

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Choose From The Lasting Hours *
Butter Lamps
18.00 Ounces
Butter Lamps Candles:
3hr, 5hrs, 8hrs

1 Review

Lisa Bates Apr 7th 2018

The butter candles arrived this morning in good shape and certainly are large enough for any offering.

Butter candles arrived well packed in good shape and smell lovely.

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